What was your leadership “aha moment”?

What was your leadership “aha moment”?

Merriam-Webster defines “aha moment” as: a moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition or comprehension.  As a leader, what was your realization or inspiration that made you shift your style or perhaps reinforced something you were already doing? ...
The Right Thing To Do

The Right Thing To Do

Rather than tell you how many years ago, I’ll just use “a few years back” to share this leadership lesson received when I was a newly commissioned 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army.  I’ll never forget the day when my wife and my mom pinned the gold bars on my...
Elements of Leadership

Elements of Leadership

Recently I rediscovered a blog written by General (Retired) Dennis Reimer. The title of his blog is Turning Challenges Into Opportunities. The link is provided below and is worth the read. I remembered reading the article a couple of years ago and recalling how much...