Uncovering Blind Spots: The Hidden Barriers to Leadership Growth
As leaders, our journey to success is often fueled by our strengths—those innate qualities and honed skills that have propelled us forward. Yet,...
Empowering Startups: How HR Consulting Companies Drive Success for New Ventures
One of the most exciting things about moving my Human Resources consulting business, 3 Echo Consulting, to Raleigh, NC is the flourishing start-up...
Succession Planning Basics: How It Works, Why It’s Important
The term succession planning refers to a business strategy companies use to pass leadership roles down to another employee or group of employees....
Home in North Carolina!
We always knew that someday we would end up back in North Carolina. After living in the small town of Parkton, NC for a few years, the 20+ years of...
What was your leadership “aha moment”?
Merriam-Webster defines “aha moment” as: a moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition or comprehension. As a leader, what was...
Getting Back to the Basics Through Orienteering
With the blessing of mild weather recently, I had the chance to get back out and run through an orienteering/land navigation course at a local state...
Don’t Let Talent Become Your Next Crisis
What a wild ride it has been for Supply Chain leaders! I can’t help but think of the image we all remember of the test pilot strapped into the...
The Right Thing To Do
Rather than tell you how many years ago, I’ll just use “a few years back” to share this leadership lesson received when I was a newly commissioned...
Elements of Leadership
Recently I rediscovered a blog written by General (Retired) Dennis Reimer. The title of his blog is Turning Challenges Into Opportunities. The link...
Remember the Fundamentals During Your Digital Journey
Digital innovation and technology are moving at an exponential rate in terms of acceptance and adoption. And it is clearly moving at an exponential...