Home in North Carolina!

Home in North Carolina!

We always knew that someday we would end up back in North Carolina.  After living in the small town of Parkton, NC for a few years, the 20+ years of visiting the NC beaches, the weekend trips to the mountains, and of course the weather, we knew North Carolina had...
What was your leadership “aha moment”?

What was your leadership “aha moment”?

Merriam-Webster defines “aha moment” as: a moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition or comprehension.  As a leader, what was your realization or inspiration that made you shift your style or perhaps reinforced something you were already doing? ...
Getting Back to the Basics Through Orienteering

Getting Back to the Basics Through Orienteering

With the blessing of mild weather recently, I had the chance to get back out and run through an orienteering/land navigation course at a local state park.  Orienteering is essentially a competitive or noncompetitive recreational activity in which participants use a...